Saturday 1 June 2019

Hello World

The web is full of noise and finding and sorting through different learning resources can be time consuming. MOOCs and Lifelong learning are trends that are growing and with that comes a lot of new unfiltered content. Hotscope's mission is to help people find better learning content faster.

We're essentially building a learning content rating and discussion website where people can find the top books, podcasts, videos and online courses for any given topic. Hotscope has different pages or spaces that are not very different from the Reddit way of approaching modularity and crowdsourcing. Instead of using an upvote/downvote system we use an applause based mechanism inspired by Medium.

Because I haven't been programming for a while and I suck at it, we're going to take some time to ship an initial prototype but so far I'm thrilled with the progress.

Hotscope is NOT a startup. Other way to put it is that this is a side-project we're working on for fun. Having that in mind, here are some ways to follow Hotscope's work:


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